Pat’s Mother

It saddens me to write this post. We have lost a dear lady, Pat’s mom and my mother-in-law died yesterday at the age of 96. She has been in some declining health since this spring when she had to leave her home and go into a care facility. Within 10 months, I have lost both my own mother and now a lady who I always considered to be a second mom. In this post, I will share a few memories and photos. A small celebration of her life, if you will.

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Family Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday is one of my favorites. Time with family and a healthy amount of great meals. It also is a time to reflect on what we have to be thankful for. From our freedoms living in this great country to our many blessings to our beliefs. It was a full house as our son and daughter-in-law from DC came to visit along with our local son and daughter as well. It was a great time!

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