Since we hit the road three years ago, the travel phase of our retirement dreams have been largely fulfilled. To be a fulltime RV traveler with no home base to tie us down. To explore each new state in a slow, no hurry mode. To seek out the lesser known local attractions, diners, and pubs. Hmm, sounds like the Star Trek mission. Anyway, now here we are at a bit of a crossroads. Our journeys have led us to 26 states and we have so much we would still love to explore. But with the current virus situation it is time to make that decision.
RV Life Changes in the Short Term
When we originally set out it was a 2-3-4 year plan to be full time RVers and travel through most all of our lower 48 states. That timing turned out to be quite ambitious. Sure, it could have been accomplished, but would have seemed like going back to work. We would have been exhausted just like in the old days when returning from a busy “vacation.”

Then we decided last year, to travel two more years (five in total) and then obtain a home base with part time travels. We do understand that we have been very blessed in this phase of retirement. Having our faith, family, and this great country to explore on our time schedule. That was before this new plague business.

So, while we are sequestered at a very fine central Florida RV thank you, we began researching what it will be like when the country begins to open back up.
First of all, many RV parks may not survive and those that do may have to reduce the number of sites to allow more room between. And how will they still have all those activities? Many unknowns. One of our prior parks is increasing their rates by 40% to make up for the fewer sites and shorter season. Well, I hope that works for them.

Also, exploring all the small towns, museums, cafes, etc. will become more of a challenge with continued social distancing and wearing masks. We finally decided to just sit out our RV travels this year and spend more time in our home area of southwest Virginia and then seek out some remote state or federal parks to hike and explore nature.
Buy a Home and Travel Part Time?
During this unprecedented time, (I’m really tired of seeing that word), many RV parks just simply closed leaving many fulltimers high and dry. Not a real secure feeling. Our RV resort in Bowling Green closed all activities, buildings, and support. At least they allowed current paid guests to stay, but turned away others. That was the time that we decided to find something more secure here in central Florida.

Fortunately, we had some friends who invited us to come to their owned site as a guest. And a beautiful place it is. Another blessing in all this mess.
Back to my point. Having that security of a secure home base is very important to Pat. I’m about 50/50 on it as it is a big transition phase and I’m not finished with the RV Journey. Just finished with the current issues, but there is not much I can do to change that but make the best of it.

We have decided to look at the home market when we return to SW Virginia in July and August. If we find something that meets our criteria, then we may settle down and travel part time. Part time travel may be a two month summer trip and then a 3-4 month winter hiatus to warmer climates. Florida, Texas, or Arizona.
Wrap Up
Having our own home again would allow us much more space to pursue our hobbies. Become more involved with church and see our family and friends more often. I went through the pros and cons with Trish and the pros were by far the winner. So, it would still be a great retirement, just one more phase before we go into the “home” I suppose.
And yes, I would still continue with this blog, but maybe not as often updates.
Stay safe, take care, and God bless.
Don’t give up on full time travel yet. Keep in mind the hassle of maintaining a house in a cold climate while you take the several month trip to warmer areas.
That is definitely the downside as you well know. Thanks for the input.
Randy this crazy Covid episode will all end and you can set out again in the RV and enjoy seeing the parts of the country you haven’t seen. This is just a delay in your schedule. Buying a house is not the end of your dream. Actually it seems to me that you will have the best of both worlds – a home base and the freedom and means to go when you want. I know how much you both miss your kids and friends so I think you will be able to still have the life you want and be very happy with your decision. I think your decision is a good one and you won’t be sorry. I have every faith that this is just a detour and the beginning of a new journey! We can still look forward to meeting up and explori new or old places. Love Lorna.
Thanks for your great input Lorna as it is a tough decision, but will all work out. Can’t wait to get back to the exploring travels – maybe next year!