Punch List for the Next 45 Days – March, April 2017

As we are moving ever faster to my retirement date and the transition from living in a large home to our new 5th wheel camping trailer, we have an exhausting list of things to do.  I’m going to list it here to have it to refer back to occasionally.  This is in addition to hundreds of things that are already completed.  Whew!  In no particular order:

  1. Buy RV hook up equipment.  Hoses and an electrical surge suppressor.
  2. Quote RV insurance.  The 5th wheel is to be delivered by mid-April.  I plan to get 3-4 quotes for full time use.
  3. Get insurance on the storage unit contents.
  4. Select a mobile cellular data plan with a mifi hotspot for our phones, laptops, i-pads, etc.  We will probably stay with Verizon as they just came out with an unlimited plan for multiple devices.  It will still not be as good as our home network and campground WIFIs are notoriously slow.
  5. Sign up for Passport America to obtain camping fee discounts (we already have joined a few others).
  6. Take 3-4 loads per week to the storage units.
  7. Have a garage sale in early April for household, garage, barn, basement stuff.
  8. Sell some of the larger items and furniture on Craigslist.
  9. Research for and sign up for a healthcare plan (have already been doing the research and it is absolutely mind boggling with many options ranging from the extremely costly Obamacare to the many Christian group plans that are lower cost, but may have some coverage limitations).
  10. Research for and sign up for a mail forwarding service (have already been doing the research).
  11. Develop a list of old ham radio stuff and circulate with the local clubs.
  12. Empty and clean the beer kegs (tough job).
  13. Find a new pool table man to take down my table and move to storage.  My prior guy must have retired as his phone is no longer active.  I guess that I could U-tube it.
  14. Program the new GPS for our RV dimensions.  It is a Garmin RV 760 lmt and has a ton of cool features, mainly routing us on roads that can handle a big rig at 13’3″ tall.  You can also develop a route and upload to the unit.  It is programmed with campground guides already built in.  And a 7″ screen for our eyes.
  15. Sell both of our vehicles and motorcycle.  The Yamaha has already been listed for awhile, but I need to list the Explorer and Grand Marquis.

I’m sure there is more that I could list here, but that is enough to wear me out just thinking about it.

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