Ft. Chiswell Virginia; Hurricane Hideout

ft chiswell

We have been extremely fortunate so far from the Hurricane Florence weather impact.  The rain was a constant warm mist type rain about all day on Saturday here at the Fort Chiswell RV Park.  Then some on and off slightly harder rain overnight, but no flooding at our location.  Today, (Sunday), it has been a little breezy with a very light mist.  We keep waiting for the worst of it! Continue reading “Ft. Chiswell Virginia; Hurricane Hideout”

Travel Days to Harrisburg PA and Another Brake Failure!

We have covered some distance in the last few days.  South from Connecticut on the extremely rough I-84.  Potholes, open seams, and all manner of other bumps and holes.  On the way to Harrisburg, PA.  On top of that, we were traversing through the Poconos.  Long and steep uphill grades followed by the same downhill.  Let’s just say it is not my favorite driving.  And then the right front trailer hub began to smoke!  Yikes! Continue reading “Travel Days to Harrisburg PA and Another Brake Failure!”

Newington Connecticut; ARRL Headquarters Visit


Visiting the ARRL headquarters in Newington Connecticut has been on our travel itinerary for some time. This place is a must do for those involved in the Amateur Radio hobby.  Kind of like the Mecca for hams.

Yesterday, we drove the 45 minutes from Moodus (our base camp) up to Newington. A pleasant enough drive through some rural and hilly areas. So, what is it all about? Continue reading “Newington Connecticut; ARRL Headquarters Visit”