Clermont Florida – It was nice to arrive on a sunny 80 degree day after a pleasant drive south. Our home for the month of January is the Orlando suburb of Clermont. This is the same place that we stayed during the “shelter in place” order back in February through June. We have several day trips planned and hope to get the Vaccine scheduled in as well. It should be a relaxing and interesting month at our January Home!
The Drive
From Brunswick, Ga to Clermont is 256 miles. Part highway, part byway and part interstate, it was slightly longer than I like. Therefore, we stopped for one night in Starke Florida before starting again for Clermont.

Ham Radio Station KC9LC On The Air
One of my long standing hobbies is amateur (ham) radio. When we were full-time RVers, I rarely set up the equipment since we would move about every week. By staying at one place a full month, it makes the 2-3 hours to set it up worthwhile.
The setup process is not really that bad after getting all the components out. First, is the vertical antenna assembly. It is a matter of connecting the aluminum tubes together and then tightening band clamps at precise locations.

Secondly, I attach the antenna base to the back RV ladder that is mounted on the coach. Pretty simple U-bolts and then done.

Thirdly, attach the coaxial cable to the lugs at the base of the antenna. The hot wire goes to the center element while the negative wire goes to the ground and counterpoise. I also place nine radial wires on the ground to act as a counterpoise. Big help in signal strength.

Finally, I grab the large plastic bin in the RV basement and bring it inside. This bin includes my radio, an Elecraft K3 (all band HF rig), a power supply supplying the 12 volts required, and other items such as morse code (CW) keyer, microphone for SSB, and all the cabling.

I’ve now had it set up for about a week and have made many contacts from Canada and New York, to Texas and the Caymans. The band conditions are better in the evening, so my ham radio friends might find me on the 40 meter band around 8-10 many nights.
For more info on ham radio see my post from our visit to ham radio headquarters in Connecticut. LINK here.
Lake Louisa State Park
Lake Louisa State Park is a 4,372-acre Florida State Park located south of Clermont, in the northeast corner of the Green Swamp and the southwestern shore of Lake Louisa. It is made up of bald cypress, live oak, and saw palmettos.
Notice the dark tea colored water Trish! A pileated wood pecker near the top This water is pitch black A palmetto forest
Located about 5 miles from our RV park, this is a convenient location to go for the many hiking trails. Plus five lakes for fishing.
Local Sights to See
In addition to the hiking, we have some day trips planed thanks to great input from my former work friend, Rick. While still somewhat being careful going out, we may stroll the city streets, either grab lunch or else take a picnic lunch.

The list of towns or attractions is Winter Garden, Mt. Dora, Howey in the Hills, Yalaha, and Wekiwa State Park. They are all less than an hour from here.
Wrap Up
The local weather has had highs in the 60s to low 70s. And a few nights down into the 40s. But no rain to speak of. It is the Florida dry season.
The Covid vaccine program is going very well here in the sunshine state. It is now available at many locations for those over 65. Even at many Publix grocery stores. After some short debate, I decided to jump in and get my Moderna shot appointment today (Friday). Four weeks later, I get my second shot topping my resistance up to the 95% level. Or so they say.

Trish and I have been working on the route northbound beginning March 1st. The need to make RV park reservations gets more important every year. We decided to take a route to see some entirely new places.

From a rough planning standpoint, our route will take us to the Forgotten Coast of Florida to see the Old Florida, not the miles of condos and fast food joints. We have parks booked in the towns of Cedar Key and Apalachicola before exploring a deep dive into Alabama and then a final stop in Sevierville, Tn, before we arrive back in Virginia in the spring.
Take care and God Bless.
80 degrees in January…sounds good to me! Hey, I see you plan to stop in Apalachicola on the way back. Neat little town. I stayed at the Gibson Inn when I was there. They have a great restaurant. You’ll want to stop in the Oyster City Brewing Company.
More good ideas noted! Thanks
Great pictures and good blog Randy. Looks like you have good space in the site where you are for January. Glad you are getting the Covid vaccine. Its scarce here and no vaccine in Collin County with population of over 1 million has received 1000 doses. Next allotment is about 6,000 doses and reports are that those have to go to first responders which is ok. I suspect that once there is an organized distribution program in Washington, things will pick up. Enjoy the weather and activities there. Sounds like you have some fun excursions planned. Enjoy. Luv Lorna
Thanks Lorna