This was a very good relocation from Indianapolis to just the southwest side of Cincinnati, Ohio at just over 100 miles. Very nice! Our campground was the Indian Springs Campground in North Bend Ohio. It was a little tight between sites and getting into, but not bad for a short stay. This was a three night stay on the route back to Virginia for our annual doctor visits and to see family and friends.
The other reason to select this area was to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, a real life recreation of Noah’s ark. It was amazing. The Creation Museum is very well done and from its website: The state-of-the-art Creation Museum allows you to venture through biblical history, stunning exhibits, botanical gardens, planetarium, zoo, zip line adventure course, and much more. This 75,000-square-foot facility has welcomed millions of guests since opening in Petersburg, Kentucky.
Creation Museum
The museum presents our world’s history through the biblical young earth perspective and they also have several other programs that you can attend, although our time schedule did not allow.

The Ark Encounter
The Ark Encounter to me, was the highlight. Can you imagine a complete to scale recreation of Noah’s ark at 510 feet long and 52 feet tall (6 stories)? The Ark was probably the largest wooden ship ever built and is near the maximum size known to be possible for a wooden vessel.

As you walk along the long ramp to get inside, the sound system is playing the sounds that you might have heard in the days of Noah. You feel like you are on board this massive ship with Noah and his family. Actually, we are…

They have also built the interior and all tools and technology that would have existed at this time. It was fascinating to follow through the displays to understand just how this massive creation would have transported Noah’s family and animals for a year as flood waters covered the earth in 2348 BC.

The senior combo tickets were a little pricey at $60 each, but I felt that both museums were awesome and very well done. Another note for people attending is the buffet restaurant is excellent. Good selection and quality.

Our next stop in West Virginia is just for one night, then we are back in Virginia to see family and friends and all the annual checkup appointment for us and the vehicles.
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Fascinating! I had no idea how huge and elaborate the ark was! I want to go there!
It is a nice easy drive from Cburg. You guys would enjoy.