As we are moving ever faster to my retirement date and the transition from living in a large home to our new 5th wheel camping trailer, we have an exhausting list of things to do. I’m going to list it here to have it to refer back to occasionally. This is in addition to hundreds of things that are already completed. Whew! In no particular order: Continue reading “Punch List for the Next 45 Days – March, April 2017”
Closed on our Home
Things are continuing to move at a fast clip! Maybe too fast? Well, anyway it is what it is, so we had better hang on for the ride. The final closing was today with the normal flurry of signing many papers, so we now have until April 30th to move out of our lovely home that we raised three children. Having until the 4/30 was part of our sale by owner contract. Lots more downsizing needs to happen in the next 45 days. Continue reading “Closed on our Home”
We Bought Our Truck
After a few months of research and some test drives, we selected a Ford F-350 1-ton pickup truck with the 6.7L diesel option and dual rear wheels. It also is loaded with other neat options specifically for towing. Some of the reasons for selecting this truck are: Continue reading “We Bought Our Truck”
Our Home May Be Sold
We listed our home on the Zillow for sale by owner website a couple of weeks ago and had an offer after one week. Yikes! It has now progressed to a written contract and is scheduled to close in a little over a week. Things are moving along crazy fast. But you never know until the cash is transferred. Continue reading “Our Home May Be Sold”
Why the Full Time RV Living?
We have been asked this several times when explaining our retirement plans to family and friends. I will try to explain here the reasons and what our longer range plans are. Well, where to begin? Continue reading “Why the Full Time RV Living?”
The Search for the Perfect RV
There are an overwhelmingly vast amount of different ways to go when deciding on an RV to purchase. So, in order to make a decision it has taken us about a year to finally narrow the choices down. Continue reading “The Search for the Perfect RV”
Home for Sale
We finally have the house for sale after about a year of painting, updating, and downsizing our belongings. Going to try the for sale by owner first with a Zillow listing. I have heard many of the pros and cons, but want to try this first, then may list with a realtor. Continue reading “Home for Sale”