RV Trip Planning 2019

Planning for RVer’s is a debatable topic. There are certainly two camps of full-time RVers. Those who plan and those who wing it. The planning that I’m writing about is a pre-plan of the RV route to all destinations and RV parks for the year or at least a few months in advance. It is a huge amount of work and can take several weeks to complete working a few hours a day.

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2018 Year In Review

What another great year it was! I feel so blessed and fortunate to be able to live this lifestyle of adventure and travel. Pat and I are continuing to enjoy the RV travel and seeing all that this great country has to offer. It has now been a year and 8 months on the road! Sure, there are some down sides such as missing the family during holiday. But, man oh man, what we have enjoyed this year! This post is to provide a recap of 2018.

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Meeting Another Blogger!: Randy and Pam Warner

The featured image above is sunset over the bay from our campground.

RV traveling can be a complex business with the complicated modern coaches to the trip planning research that is required.  Being a full time RV traveler makes things even more interesting.  Fortunately, there are many resources on the internet available to assist almost every aspect of the RV life.

One of the resources are the many people who have been doing this for a long time.  We had the great fortune to meet another RV blogger (LINK: warnerrvnews.blogspot.com) who has been a full-timer since 2009.  Randy and Pam Warner were staying in a campground just a few miles north of us, so I reached out and asked if they would like to meet somewhere during their stay. Continue reading “Meeting Another Blogger!: Randy and Pam Warner”