Our month in the Bar Harbor/Acadia area has now come to an end. It was a great month long stay, but it was time to go. We got back into the travel mode and went through the pre-road checklist. Good to go… Continue reading “Relocation Day to Boothbay Harbor, Maine”
Final Trip to Bar Harbor and Bar Island
We took our last trip into Bar Harbor for a lunch at Paddy’s, the pricey Irish place on the edge of the Bay. And after lunch we hiked across the land bridge to Bar Island and the took the trail around the outside of the village.
It was a beautiful day at about 74 degrees and we walked 4.6 mostly easy miles. Fortunately, there were no cruise ships in town, so we just enjoyed a nice peaceful walk. Continue reading “Final Trip to Bar Harbor and Bar Island”
Schoodic Peninsula Day Trip
For some time, we have been planning this short drive over to the next peninsula all the way around Frenchman Bay. The Schoodic Peninsula finally made our schedule and it was super! The drive was easy enough taking a few GPS suggested back roads, then US-1, then onto Maine 186 as it makes the loop through Schoodic. Continue reading “Schoodic Peninsula Day Trip”
Southwest Harbor, Somesville & Atlantic Brewery Tour
After the sightseeing and hiking, here are some of our favorite places to relax while in the Mt Desert Island (MDI) area. Sometimes we need to take a small vacation from this frantic retirement schedule.
The small village of Southwest Harbor, the even smaller Somesville, and the local Atlantic Brewery all fit the bill for a little low key relaxing and they are all within a few minutes of base camp. Continue reading “Southwest Harbor, Somesville & Atlantic Brewery Tour”
Cadillac Mountain; Acadia NP
We were very fortunate to be on the mountain on a mostly clear day. We overheard a biker say that he had been up here everyday for a week and this was the first clear day. So, we counted our blessings, grabbed the cell phone and binoculars, and took the hike around the very top of Cadillac Mountain! Continue reading “Cadillac Mountain; Acadia NP”
Jordan Pond Hike in Acadia NP
The Acadia National Park has some amazing wild scenic hikes and views. Some are on the quiet side of the island (Mt Desert Island – MDI) and some are on the busy side. The Jordan Pond Trail is on the busy side and in the Middle Peaks section. And is it busy. Continue reading “Jordan Pond Hike in Acadia NP”
Meeting Another Blogger!: Randy and Pam Warner
The featured image above is sunset over the bay from our campground.
RV traveling can be a complex business with the complicated modern coaches to the trip planning research that is required. Being a full time RV traveler makes things even more interesting. Fortunately, there are many resources on the internet available to assist almost every aspect of the RV life.
One of the resources are the many people who have been doing this for a long time. We had the great fortune to meet another RV blogger (LINK: warnerrvnews.blogspot.com) who has been a full-timer since 2009. Randy and Pam Warner were staying in a campground just a few miles north of us, so I reached out and asked if they would like to meet somewhere during their stay. Continue reading “Meeting Another Blogger!: Randy and Pam Warner”
Stonington Maine Trip on a Hot Day
We had heard from a couple of different people that a day trip to Stonington Maine was a must do while here. This quaint little fishing village is located on another peninsula, so to get there you have to drive up and over and around the horn to finally arrive. Well, it was not really that bad, at just less than two hours. And what a beautiful sight it was, but it was a scorcher!… Continue reading “Stonington Maine Trip on a Hot Day”
Locals Are a Wealth of Information
As we go to a new location, we try to ask as many locals as we can about favorite places and things to do. Just by researching the internet including Trip Advisor and others, we would miss many of the local’s gems. People all have different opinions, so it is great to obtain a good cross section of folk’s ideas. Continue reading “Locals Are a Wealth of Information”
Acadia Hikes; Ocean Path Trail and Wonderland Trail
The featured image above was sunrise at our campground on Friday morning.
Two more hikes accomplished in the Acadia National Park! The views from both trails were simply outstanding. While I tried to get some good photos, it just does not capture the grandeur of being here and seeing with your own eyes. In the last three days, we did the Ocean Path Trail and the Wonderland Trail, both hikes in the National Park. And took a day off in between! Continue reading “Acadia Hikes; Ocean Path Trail and Wonderland Trail”