Our four night stayover was long enough for a couple of forays into the city to walk between the town squares and admire the stately old homes. In part 1, Pat and I walked around a bit and had a great anniversary dinner. In part 2, I’ve mainly included a few more photos that I liked. Hope you do too. It was great to see all the Christmas decorations on the grand old homes. Savannah, Ga part 2 plus some other thoughts…
Asheboro, NC – first stop winter 2020
We debated whether to travel at our normal slow pace (150 miles and stay a few days), or just bite the bullet and drive like a demon bat and get to the warmer climate. The slower pace won out since we can still get out for hiking and walking about in the 40-50 degree weather. Even with the virus running loose there must still plenty of things to do. So, our first stop was in the small friendly town of Asheboro, NC.
Vacation Time!
It has been a month since my last blog update. We have been quite busy with the new “sticks and bricks” house. Many changes and updates are now completed or else will be done soon. Such is the life when buying an older home. I find that doing many of these chores is very enjoyable, but after three months with very little time off, we are both ready for a break. Besides that it is getting cold in Virginia and we have already gotten two small snowfalls! Vacation time!
Cortez Florida – Part Three & Goodbye
We ended our month long stay at this popular winter resort destination in Cortez Florida. It has been a wonderful location. Close to family and walking distance to a dozen restaurants and bars. And we had a great visit from our three kids just before Christmas. It is hard to say goodbye, but it is time to move on to the east coast of Florida and a vacation. But, before we go there, here is a wrap up from the final two weeks at Cortez Florida – Part 3 of 3.
Anna Maria Island, Fl – Family Christmas
It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog update. We have been very busy with a new relocation and a vacation thrown in for good measure. After having gone this long without typing my thoughts and searching for some good photos, I have found that I miss the updates. Miss the composing of these short essays.
Well, I’m back now and will try to get caught up on the prior few weeks. Going back to mid-December, our three kids all flew down to our base camp near Anna Maria Island, Florida, just south of Tampa on the gulf coast. We had been looking forward to their arrival and spending three days with them just hanging out and enjoying the great weather.
Merry Christmas!
A short post today to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Some photos below from the last few days around Anna Maria Island, Florida.

We are in Cortez Florida for one more week before relocating to the east coast of Florida. Hopefully, I’ll have the blog caught up by then! I have the last three weeks that include a visit from our kids and many visits with local family and friends!
Take care and God Bless.
Merry Christmas! The Memories of Christmas Past
This is the time of year to celebrate the season by spending time with our families and friends. Many Christmas parties, dinners, gift exchanges, and gatherings. Although, this year will be another adjustment phase for us. We will surely miss our family and friends this year, since we are in deep south Texas for the winter season. So, this year my thoughts go to the years past…
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