The good news is that many areas of the country will begin opening up soon. We don’t know exactly what that will look like, but it is good news for the economy and for the people. I have stopped tracking the numbers in the pandemic and have really limited watching the news. It began to create overload with the inability to travel, staying home at our resort, and all the hype news. We also wonder if we can ever get back to our US travel as it was before. So, to clear my mind, I got my painting supplies back out and set to work!
We have been too busy to spend much time on hobbies over this last summer and even into the winter. Although, over the last few weeks it has been the perfect time! I’ve been enjoying my ham radio set up again. Made a few dozen contacts now and having fun.
Next it was my painting supplies. Many ideas of landscapes to paint from our travels and from museums. The paintings below are my latest attempt to improve and I have to say are very relaxing for me. The time really flies by when I’m concentrating on one of these creations. And we have so much extra time on our hands right now.
These little 9X12 paintings are just for enjoyment and not for sale. Not sure where they will go when we get a home one of these days. Maybe the bottom shelf of a closet. This size is perfect for our travel size. I simply place them in a 9×12 portfolio binder for safekeeping.
I have offered to create one for folks as a gift. Just need an example or photo to work from. My preference are landscapes and some still life. They are also done with acrylic paints versus oil. Acrylics dry much faster, clean up easily with water, and are better for the environment.
If you are finding that you have some spare time on your hands, order some supplies from Amazon and give it a try. Let me know if you have questions and send me a photo of your work!

Take care and y’all be safe out there. God bless.
Randy, These are really good, you have talent. I like your Monet better than the original. We miss you guys. Be safe, come back soon. Not much corona virus here. Most cases are recovered in Montgomery county
Thanks Kim! Hope to see you guys in July.
I really love your “Cafe Terrace at Night”, but my favorite is your “beat up old tackle box and fishing lure”, a very nice original!
Thanks Ed! The tackle box was an enjoyable one.
Your artwork is beautiful. My father was a ham radio operator. I have his collection of postcards from other ham radio operators. Hobbies are a joy in life!
Thanks Betty. Those ham radio postcards, called QSL cards, are great to look through years later.
Nice work Randy! Agree with Ed, I like the Tackle Box.
Thanks Rick! I’m glad that I tackled it!
Your paintings are great Randy! You are an inspiration to others!
Thanks Barb, it’s good to keep occupied!
4 / 28 / 20 – Randy, some nice reproductions. However, when I first saw the London Parliament at Sunset, I thought it was a scope-digital display from your ham radio transceiver. 😉😁😁 Best, Roger Bell N4FPA
Hi Roger! Yes, it does look like a waterfall display, but too much QRM! 73’s
I was just thinking about hobbies the other day and how glad I am to have a few. I thought of friends that had some and remembered your ham radio operations. And now this! Impressive. Looks like you are having fun with it and have a lot of talent!
Hi Randy, yes need the hobby distractions during these times. Hope the golf courses are opening for you and Pam.
Those are truly beautiful Randy! Your example of getting back into painting and ham radio is inspiring: creating beauty, capturing memories, and making connections especially during this challenging time.
Thanks Laura! Hope to see you guys this July.