Ham radio has been one of my main hobbies going back 41 years now. It is an ever changing hobby based on new technology and new operating methods. Since I retired, and not traveling as much I am getting back into enjoying this fascinating endeaver.
In the RV, I have a ham station set up that includes an Elecraft K3 transceiver, tuner, and hustler 5 band vertical antenna that I attach to the back ladder. It works surprising well even with a high static noise level found in most RV parks. I like to work at least one CW contact every evening. We are snowbirds and travel to Florida every winter.

The home shack consists of the Elecraft K3 transceiver, Icom 7300 transceiver, and for local communication an Icom 207. The HF amp is an Ameritron AL-811H and HF antennas are a Hustler 5BTV and a center fed zepp that is 140 feet long, 45 feet high, and fed with 450 ohm ladder line. For 2/440 I use a Diamond 300.
The home ham shack “brag” wall. I have books full of certificates issued over the years. My project building desk. Some experiments actually work! The operating desk under development. Still need to rearrange to make operating smoother.
The photos above is as the new ham shack is beginning to take shape. More work to be done with layout modifications and equipment placement. I’ll post changes here as they happen.
I was first licensed in 1981 in Indiana and operated CW only as a novice for a year and managed to completely fill three logbooks. Then came the Technician and General licenses after making the long drive to Chicago to sit in front of the FCC examiner. How times have changed! Within a couple of years I had my advanced license and then the Extra before it became a no-code.
My current ham radio interests include HF ragchews, contests, QSO parties, POTA (Parks on the Air), and some DX (foreign stations) chasing.
And finally a huge thank you to my father-in-law Ray Little, K9KJD who introduced me to this hobby all those many years ago. He is a silent key now but I still remember all the valuable mentoring from my Elmer. He also traveled with a fifth wheel camper and had a mobile HF station. This is Ray in the photo below.

Please give me a call if you hear me on the air.
Our blog website is: Our Epic RV Journey (ourepicrvjourney.com)
73, KC9LC – Randy