Travel Prep to Begin Soon – We are continuing to enjoy our Florida oasis where we have been for about 2.5 months now. When all the mandates came out about sheltering in place we decided that Clermont Florida was the best of all our options. And it has proven to be that. Covid cases have been very low, excellent healthcare systems, and some great weather from March to mid-May. And then somewhere around mid-May it suddenly became hot and humid. It seems paradise does have a small downside. It’s about time to prep for travel!
Winter Garden Florida Walkabout
The state of Florida is opening back up. Most businesses can now operate while following the new guidance, including distancing and wearing masks. Until that changes again of course. With our new found freedom, I was actually craving to just go out and explore the area. With that goal, we set sail to a small scenic town about a 1/2 hour away: Winter Garden Florida!
Reopening Florida & Another Week
I’ll start out this update with the weather. That is always a good starter. The weather has actually been kind of boring. I start to take it for granted until we talk to family or friends Up North. Our days have been mostly sunny and in the mid 80’s. But the weather in the New River Valley of Virginia has been very mild with the exception of a couple nights down at freezing. Okay, the weather update out of the way…
There have been reasons published as to why the Covid pandemic causes shortages of toilet paper and some foods. Whether it is due to people hoarding, a change in packaging, or in some cases the production is down. We have a very complex supply chain that has become highly interdependent. Now there is another shortage brewing…
Citrus Tower – Clermont Florida
One day last week, I took the car out to top off the gas tank with some of this cheap fuel. It only took about $7 worth as we are rarely driving during this stay at home order. Groceries are all delivered right to our door at the RV park. Pat has become very good at the Publix and Walmart online ordering. This just may be the way of the future.
To keep the battery charged, I decided to drive the 14 miles straight north on US-27 to Clermont and take a closer look at the Citrus Tower. We have driven by it many times, but never stopped to check it out when it was open. Alas, it is closed along with all the other non essential businesses in Florida.
The tower is just off the highway and rises up to 226 feet tall (equivalent of 22 stories). You can see it for miles going in either direction as it is also located on top of a small hill.

From their website, here is a full description: One of Florida’s first “attractions,” the Citrus Tower was built in 1956 on one of the highest hills in Florida’s ridge section. The original plans specified a tower 75 feet high, but when completed, the Citrus Tower rose to a lofty height of 226 feet .
The Citrus Tower stands unrivaled as a majestic and monumental tribute to Central Florida’s famed citrus industry and its lush subtropical groves. With the area’s changing economic climate, the Tower serves as a beacon guiding a burgeoning new business and population base to the scenic South Lake County region.
The glass-enclosed observation deck allows visitors to enjoy the panoramic view of the rolling hills of Florida’s ridge section and hundreds of spring-fed lakes in the surrounding 8-county area.
The cost is $10 to take a tour and may include the elevator to the top. We may have to check it out if it opens before we leave in mid-June. Then again riding a small elevator up 22 floors with some strangers may not be the best idea right now. Maybe a view from a distance is best.

Stay safe, take care and God bless.